Alibi is a theme made from the ground-up, aimed to estabilish a new category and style in iOS theming, as the first theme in the store to feature full glory Material Design icons and UI which are meant and developed for iOS Devices.

Alibi is not the usual ported theme for Android, is new, fresh, and deeply combines iOS and Material guidelines together to provide you the best experience, which has only been made possible thanks to one year of precise development.

Features: - More than 100 hand-build icons for all devices - UI elements to suit the Material look - 2 wallpapers to give your device a fresher, Android-ish look - Full Anemone support with custom Clock icon and theming.

This theme needs IconBundles or Anemone to work properly. Anemone is not required, but the theme is built to work better with this theming engine. Using WinterBoard will not make available some features of the theme.

This theme required more than one year to be made.