This update includes file name fixes and a few requested icons.
This update includes file name fixes, a Wallet preferences icon, fixed file names, minor icon redesigns, and a few requested app icons such as Credit Karma, Pokemon Go, Discord, and Uber.
Updated Icons: iTunes Store, Cydia. Settings icons have been fixed.
Improved iOS 9 support, new icons (Periscope, Beme, Spark Mail, Tweetbot 4), and improved quality for Amury wallpapers.
This update includes more icons, logical icon redesigns, additional UI theming, refined wallpapers, and a new look for your message bubbles within the Messages application!
This update includes better Anemone support, New Icons, Legacy Icons, Refinements, and a few fixes.
This update brings major improvements to the quality of the icons, necessary redesigns, additional themed icons, and enhancements to the existing Amury wallpapers.
Includes 20+ additional Icons, new alternative icons, 3 additional wallpapers, major icon redesigns, improved color palette, more themed UI elements, wallpaper refinements, and Anemone support

...Everything Amury needed from the start. Enjoy!

Initial release.