Cast iOS. Inspired by the Material Design colour palette, it features additional colour bands and texture.
This first version includes: Over 280 icons. A few alternative icons. Un-themed icons keep their rounded corners.
In future updates, I’ll be adding more icons, some UI changes and hopefully other changes.
If you’re using a @2x device, you need to use Anemone, as it will convert the @3x icons down to suit your device, I chose to keep @2x icon sizes out to reduce the package size. Winterboard or Anemone should be fine for @3x devices. If using Winterboard, install Icon Bundles from Cydia.
Cast should work on both iPhones and iPads @2x and @3x at this stage. I haven’t been able to test everything on every device, so if something is broken. Please do contact me asap.
If you have any issues, comments for questions, grab me on Twitter @sixfourthreetwo. or email me
Requesting Icons. I will be taking Icon Requests. I have two ways of requesting icons.
The first way; Donate an extra $1 (or more if you’re feeling generous) and you’ll get 5 requests will be added into the next update. If you choose to do this, please try and get the bundle IDs.
The second way; Send a list to me using the email or twitter above. I’ll put the requests onto my master list and they’ll be added as quickly as possible, but they might not make it into the newest update.