NOTE: You'll need to turn off passcode in order to be able to open apps from the lock screen.

ConceptLS for iOS7 is the most advanced lockscreen available. I could easily write a 4 page description on this, but I will not. You can find that on

Features: Tap to unlock, LS Dim is set to 20secs (instead of 5), Touch and Swipe gestures, Open Apps from the Lockscreen, Sounds, Light/Dark (Changes all items to white or black), Bytafont 2 support, Complete package is less than 2mbs, Help Screen (to show touch points/gestures), Weather such as Temp, Description, Ext Description, and Weather Icon.


Settings from the lockscreen: Wallpaper set from actual CameraRoll (very easy, no lockscreen has this), 12/24 hr time display, Celsius or Fareinheit, Zip/Woeid entry (To set your location no GPS).

Tweak used to hide elements Lock Screen Tool.

This is created for Cydget by Saurik.

Before you email for help please read the write up on, I will also have a support thread.