Remix your iDevice with EnVy ReMix 7.

Complete theme includes multiple iconOmatic overlays (themes all icons), status bar icons, control center, respring logo, zeppelin logo, magic badge, classicbadges, color keyboard, settings icons, animated lock screen and more.

Wallpapers are located in Library/Themes/EnVy ReMix 7 or install the EnVy ReMix SBHTML themes.

Packages that go along with this main package.

EnVy ReMix 7 AniLS - Animated GroovyLock Lockscreen

EnVy ReMix 7 SBHTML - Wallpaper setup for SBHTML

EnVy ReMix 7 Zeppelin - 2 Zeppelin logos

EnVy ReMix 7 MagicBadge - themes notification badge

EnVy ReMix 7 Radio iWidget - Animated Radio iWidget

EnVy ReMix 7 Slide iWidget - Animated Slideshow

EnVy ReMix 7 ColorKeyboard - Color Keyboard theme

EnVy ReMix 7 Alt IconOmatic - 2 IconOmatic layouts

Search these packages in cydia, or just search EnVy ReMix 7. Each package will contain instructions on that tweaks theme, and how to use it. If you have any questions you can reach me at the email listed above.

DarkUI was achieved with Eclipse tweak in cydia.

Green Status bar was achieved with Lockify Pro

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