eXplos1on is elegant yet structured in design. With it's distinctive dark and smooth black background, the interface is clean and flows well with re-designed Status Bar and icons. When you open each application, it has its own specific loading screen which attests to the thoroughness of the design. Within each application, the borders, buttons, and other toggles (depending on the application) match the rest of the interface and doesn't take away from the functionality or viewing within the application. via MMI Theme of the Week.

Includes complete UI, Sms, Phone, Safari, Mail, Notes, Clock, Timer, Calculator, Weather, Ipod, YouTube, iptt, bite sms, iAcces Keyboard, Custom loading screens, Sick icons, and very much more.

Instructions: None! Just install :)

Special thanks to the bAdGB Team, and (Jdogg84able for the IPTT theme).