Futuristic style lock screen with amazing color options. Created purely out of vector graphics (even weather icons) it will be pixel perfect wether your on a iPhone 5 or 6+. Separate color options for stroke and fill are set in the settings.app any color is available. You can type a name example white or use hex #ffffff even rgba(255,255,255,1).

It also features smooth animations that bring up menus for battery, forecast, weather details, and wind. As well as initial animations that look as a hud is forming. Bottom center is a tap to unlock. Weather is full GPS no extra tweak needed to get weather. Futuristic pulls directly from the weather.app, you will need location services turned on and the weather.app set to current location.

Select this Lockscreen in Cydgets to apply. Settings are in the settings.app under the name Futuristic 8.

Supports iPhone 5, 5s, 6, and 6+
