This is Luna for iOS, Luna was designed to take the iOS 7 style and make it look like something that anyone would be proud to show off. The subtle gradients and carefully chosen color scheme give each icon a unified design that dramatically improves the look and feel of iOS 7-9, no more radically inconsistent looking icons that causes the chaotic look of stock iOS 7-9. Luna currently has over 120 popular applications themed and that number will continue to grow as long as there is people to request more applications! Luna comes with Iconomatic themes to set the icons apart from your wallpaper and give them the perfect amount of depth. I have designed some wallpapers to fit well Luna and they can be downloaded from the Luna home page on my website using the link below. If you would like to request an app to be themed please use the "Request an Icon to be Themed" link on the Luna homepage on my website. (for organization purposes).

Luna Home Page

For use with Winterboard, Anemone, and Iconomatic.

Device Support: iPhone (4/4S) (5/5C/5S) (6/6S/6+/6S+) & iPod Touch (5) (6)

iOS Version Support: 7 - 9