Added scale and rotation for weather elements. Added bigger close button. Tap whole right side to bring up menu. Change the icons to clima icons. Main weather Icon can be scaled bigger. New Wallpapers. miLock is coming to Cydgets soon!
Fixed Falling Objects. make sure you press on so it will load. Then select an object. To initiate the falling object shake the device. Fixed 24hr/12hr. It was backwards. Added the ability to rotate all text. To rotate the text, right above the slider area, swipe right. This will rotate the text. It is set so you have to swipe right three times, before it rotates. If you keep swiping it will continue to flip the text. Settings will be saved only if city is selected! it will save position after unlock/lock. Not respring. Fixed loader. You will no longer see a loading screen. Added new dialpad. Same process just a different look.
Modified Falling Leaves. Now you will choose it from the font menu. When you press "ON", it will reload your lock screen (will save layout) and when you shake the leaves will fall. There are also options added such as Filled Stars, Outline Stars, Biohazard sign, Music Note, Leaf, Hearts, Snowflakes, and Dolor Signs. Added Animated Menu. Added HTC clock as default. Fixed 24hr/12hr setting. Added Close Button to Keybad screen. Added Color highlights on selected Items
Added Font Colors, Added Fonts and Colors to 4Day Widget. Note: Fonts will not show on the 4 day widget until you unlock and relock your device. Turned Slideshow off until toggled. (Better battery performance). You will not see slideshow until you select it, then unlock and relock. To move it around re select it from the widget menu. Added Falling leaves when you shake the device. To stop the leaves, Unlock and re Lock your phone. To initiate again, shake your device. Moved menu button above loader Added User Customization guide to
Fixed Date, Fixed Animated weather, Added Slideshow widget, Added Theme wallpapers, Fixed weather image, Added Sliders package (Select in winterboard).
Fixed Animated weather, Added new menu's, Added Small Time, Fixed Font, Added new toggles.
Added Animated Weather (Credits to Ian Nichol), Added font previews, Fixed forecast alignment. Added Widget Icons, Added new fonts, Fixed widget menu (not disappearing at times), Added new wallpapers, Added Close button in widget menu. Main menu close will not close widgets, Redesigned Clock (clock and weather are only movable once if you want to move again select it again. Optimized JPG's, Once again this does not save after respring. It is not possible....
Removed the close buttons, now you use the menu close to close the widgets. I also added a little toggle motion to the on and off buttons. Both the clock and the weather widget are movable now. While they are moveable YOU have to move the seperate elements first. The widgets overlay the smaller movable elements. To make the widgets moveable once lock/unlock reselect from the menu. Fixed date. This package is not suppose to store your info after RESPRING!! only when you unlock and lock the device.
Initial release.