Compatible with all iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads. Fully supports iOS 8.3 / 8.4 as well as older versions.

Murk is a beautiful dark theme with a custom color palette. Colors are not too bright but not too dull either. All icons, glyphs are handcrafted using the pen tool, which means the glyphs are vector and they will look crisp on every device.

Murk fully features: 218+ icons(including glyphs), Control Center UI, Messages UI, Lock + Keyboard Sounds, Badges, 2 Masks and 3 wallpapers. Also requires IconBundles.

Most of the icons themed are user requested, please submit more icon requests on my website (, only include the name of the app.

Thanks for the support and if you can't afford it please email me and we'll work something out.

Again thank you, screenshots above(: