Getting Started
What is Cydia?
I installed something, but there is no app icon for it. Where is it?
How do I uninstall Cydia packages?
Can I filter Changes to only show my favorite types of packages?
If I get a new device, can I reinstall products I have purchased?
Can I buy products without having a credit or debit card?
Fixing Problems
I keep getting stuck in Safe Mode!
How do I keep my device safe and using minimal battery?
How do I fix these annoying errors that pop up while using Cydia?
If I use Apple's Reset All Settings, why does my device not boot?
Using Repositories (Sources)
What are repositories?
Why are there ads in Cydia?
How do I make a repository to host and share packages I made?
How do I ask one of the default repositories to host my package?
I uninstalled a default repository. How I do reinstall it?
Developing for Jailbroken iOS
Where can I learn about developing for jailbroken iOS?
Learning More
Cydia (Wikipedia)
iOS Jailbreaking (Wikipedia)