<p>Are you looking for a free game with amazing graphics, 100's of levels, and completely original? Well then, Angry Poo may not be for you!!! However, if you want a free game that might make you laugh for a few minutes, (and made me feel like a 4 year old while making the graphics and sound effects), this game's exactly what you've been looking for! Fling poo at the only enemy I could think Poo would be angry at...Toilets! I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's what makes this game so perfect! Laugh your head off at the hilarious sound effects. AND ENJOY!</p>
<p>Think you've had enough Poo? &nbsp;Think again my friend!</p>
<p>Check out my hilarious additional games. &nbsp; Angry Poo Space and Angry Poo 2 - Escape From Uranus. &nbsp;Just make sure you have the volume turned up and get ready to laugh!!! :)&nbsp;</p>
<p>As always all Angry Poo Games are free and excusively offered on the ModMyi Repo!</p>