<p><span style="color: #800080;">Day 5 Of Greensnow's Xmas Challenge!</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #0000ff;">Today i give you <strong>Download To Newsstand!</strong><br />Download to newsstand is the ideal way of mannaging your Apps downloading!&nbsp;<br />Simply go to the app store, start downloading an application and instead of the app being in the springboard it will download and install in the newsstand folder!&nbsp;giving it a "book style" / flat icon. once the application installs it will take it out of the newsstand application and add it to the springboard.<br />This is really cool and is&nbsp;<strong>awesome</strong>&nbsp;to be able to see all of your downloads in <span style="text-decoration: underline;">one place</span>!&nbsp;</span></p>
<p>Go and install its free and cool.</p>