<p><strong>*This is probably my last update. Sorry for any inconvenience...*</strong></p>
<p>A Cleaner Control Center! iOS 7-9</p>
<p>CClean is a simple tweak that minimizes a lot of the 'flair' that Apple added to the Control Center.</p>
<p>Here's what you can expect:</p>
<p>- Remove Brightness Bar background</p>
<p>- Remove AirStuff background</p>
<p>- Remove AirStuff labels</p>
<p>- Always show AirPlay&nbsp;</p>
<p>- Remove Icon background</p>
<p>- Icon background = Circles</p>
<p>-&nbsp;Icon background = Squares</p>
<p>- Hide <strong>ANY</strong> section of Control Center</p>
<p>- Media Controls only show when music is playing</p>
<p><em>Stupid Stuff: *Not everything worx w/ the Stock CC</em></p>
<p>- Rounded AirStuff background</p>
<p>- Jumbo Icons (this is for all you weirdos out there! LOL!)</p>
<p>Credits to:</p>
<p><strong>Michaelrw</strong>&nbsp;(from ModMyi) for the idea</p>
<p><strong>All my MMI peeps</strong> that support me!!!</p>
<p>If you really feel like donating to me, click&nbsp;<a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=8BLRFYURDX2HQ">HERE</a>;</p>
<p>but I do this for fun...not profit!!!</p>
<p>Created by&nbsp;<strong><em>thazsar</em></strong></p>