<p>If you are an iOS user who likes the look of <strong>Android KitKat&rsquo;s status bar</strong> and would like to have it on your iPhone. By installing <strong>Android Kit Kat - Battery</strong> on your jailbroken iOS device, you can make the battery indicator look like Android&rsquo;s. <strong>Android Kit Kat - Battery</strong>&nbsp;is a theme rather than a tweak and requires&nbsp;<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Lithium</strong></span>&nbsp;tweaks in order to work.&nbsp;</p>
<p>If you want to make a complete Android Kit Kat Statusbars, please install <strong>Android Kit Kat - Signal and Wifi</strong> themes.</p>
<p><strong>iPhone 6/6+ Compatible</strong></p>