<p><em>***This is a add-on. Please also install "<a title="circul8 on cydia" href="cydia://package/com.modmyi.circul8freeios6theme">circul8 free iOS6 theme</a>" and activate that at the bottom of the list in Winterboard.***</em></p>
<p>Works on iPads and iPhones - retina and non-retina. Looks great with both bright and dark backgrounds.&nbsp;Lock screen, passcode screen, icons, <a href="../content/10916-jellylock-gives-your-iphone-android-jellybean-like-lock-screen.html">JellyLock</a>*, <a href="http://moreinfo.thebigboss.org/moreinfo/depiction.php?file=snowcoversimpleDp">Snow Cover Simple</a>*, <a href="http://apt.thebigboss.org/onepackage.php?bundleid=org.thebigboss.atom&amp;db=">Atom</a>* and more.</p>
<p>*iPhones+iPods only</p>
<p><strong><a title="circul8 White" href="http://andreaslarsen.dk/c8white/" target="_blank">andreaslarsen.dk/c8white</a></strong></p>
<p>Instructions on modifying the lock screen, wallpapers, atom theme and more.</p>
<p><img title="circul8 white lockscreen" src="http://d.pr/i/eUot+" alt="circul8 white lockscreen" width="100%" /><img title="circul8 white lockscreen" src="http://d.pr/i/6BPT+" alt="circul8 white lockscreen" width="100%" /></p>
<p>NB: Shown lockscreen weather widget not included. Dark LS also not included but wallpaper is free and text can be modified if you know a little css.<img title="circul8 white Jellylock" src="http://d.pr/i/kUHJ+" alt="circul8 white Jellylock" width="100%" /></p>
<p>NB: Only white version on the left included<img title="circul8 white scs" src="http://d.pr/i/x3wC+" alt="circul8 white scs" width="100%" /></p>