<p style="text-align: left;">A Couple.app OpenNotifier icons, plus some other icons from the app to use.<br /><br />I&nbsp;<em>will</em>&nbsp;do custom requests! See below for ways to contact me!</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><br />If for whatever reason something doesn't work, the best and fastest way to get ahold of me is to take a screenshot and either&nbsp;tweet&nbsp;at me, find me on reddit,&nbsp;/u/CaterpillarPromise, or&nbsp;email me&nbsp;(in order of speed)&nbsp;<em>with</em>&nbsp;the screenshot, your package name and version (DISCLAIMER:&nbsp;if you don't do this part, I won't answer you. So do it. Jailbreak etiquette; simple stuff, Jimmy), and a short explanation of the problem, as opposed to pressing the "Author" button above. I'm just dipping my toes into the world of jailbreaking, and I still have no idea what to do with those logs that it sends.<br /><br />If you like my work, please consider donating! Bitcoin address: 1JMCNnaVaS1DozSNjDiu64qMsrwYeZyj4C<br /><br />----------------------------------------------------<br /><strong>change log:</strong><br />1.0: initial release</p>