<p>Makes the app delete box invisible! This will make pranksters think that they cannot delete your apps, but you'll still be able to if you need to!</p>
<p>If you like this tweak, please consider&nbsp;<a title="donating" href="http://paypal.me/NeinZedd">donating</a>&nbsp;so I can continue to develop tweaks like this!</p>
<p>Also, check out my&nbsp;<a title="github" href="http://github.com/NeinZedd9">github</a>&nbsp;for the open-sourced code!</p>
<p>-NeinZedd9 &lt;3</p>
<p><img title="HideDeleteBox" src="https://thumbs.gfycat.com/NeedyBackConey-size_restricted.gif" alt="HideDeleteBox" width="250" height="445" /></p>