<p>Native, Animated Springboard Weather Widget for use with the RocketSauce HD theme. Yes - it's animated! All the screenshots you see don't do justice for the smooth, flowing animations for each individual weather condition displayed! This amazing weather widget created by Subywrex and Durben pulls data directly from your device's native weather app so no manual adjustment is required. Just set your weather app to "Local Weather" and you're done! If you wish to change to 24-hour time, no am/pm or change the wallpaper color (choices are white, black, blue, red and pink) that will require minor adjustments through ssh, iFile or iFunbox - directions can be found in the included "Read Me" file found in the main theme folder. This widget is dependent on data pulled by the free Cydia tweak "Weather Icon", so this package will be included with your download if you don't already have it on your device. YOU WILL ONLY BE ABLE TO INSTALL THIS FREE WEATHER WIDGET IF YOU OWN A COPY OF THE MAIN THEME, ROCKETSAUCE HD - YOU WILL RECEIVE AN ERROR IF YOU DON'T OWN THE MAIN THEME.</p>