<p>These are for use with the Syren theme, and will need to have the tweak "Customfoldericons" installed. If you don't have this tweak, you can download it from http://repo.fortysixandtwo.com/</p>
<p>You'll also need Ifile and a a bit of copy/paste knowledge. Once you've downloaded and installed everything, you'll need to go into Ifile and manuver your way to /private/var/mobile/library/customfoldericons/ In there you should find the Syren foldericons folder. Inside that will be 3 sizes. You'll need to choose the one that correctly fits your device, select all the icons, copy them, then go back into the main customfoldericons folder and paste them all there. THEN go to your springboard and rename your files to match the names on the icons. (you may need to do a respring) I've added help .txt's in there if you get stuck, along with all 30 names you can choose from for your folders.</p>
<p>Please stop by the <a href="../forums/iphone-5-new-skins-themes-launches/847129-syren.html" target="_blank">Modmyi Forum</a> if you have any questions. More then likely that's where I'll be hanging out.</p>