Stunning lock screen weather cydget for iOS9. Features a 5 day forecast, by pressing the next buttons you navigate through each day.

Destini has many options to customize its look. You can use white or black text, blur wallpaper, kph/mph, 24hr/12hr, pad time with a zero, adjust weather refresh time, show/hide next day buttons, and overlay. It includes GPS weather which relies on LocationServices.

Instructions: When installed this package adds an extra icon to the which holds Destini 9s preferences. To retrieve weather make sure location services is on, is checked and is set to your current location. To load the lockscreen select Destini 8.cydget within Cydgets (make sure it's at the top of the list).

Tweaks I recommend to use with this cydget. NoLockBounce, Lock Screen Tools, ClearLockNotifications, LockGlyph, and NoStatusbar.

Supported Devices: iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6+, 6s, and 6s+

Notes: Any tweak that fakes resolution may change the look of Destini 9. If you use a white wallpaper Cydget blurs it by default:( To hide the blur use HideMeX or HideMe8.