Theme name: Hage.

Hage theme supports Anemone and WinterBoard.

Corresponding iOS: iOS8.x~iOS9.0.2.

Enabled devices: All Retina devices. Hage Home icon and settings icon. Hage Third party icon. Hage Anemone Icon Shadows. Hage Anemone Cal. Hage Anemone Dock. Hage Iconomatic. Hage LoadingWheel. Hage Magicdots. Hage Winterboard Cal. Hage OpenNotifier9 Theme.

Use a combination of Anemone or WinterBoard and IconBundles.

In the case of WinterBoard use, the shadow of the icon to install the IconOmatic.

Anemone and WinterBoard common Tweaks. MagicDots and OpenNotifier9.


[OpenNotifier9] tateus repo

OpenNotifier9 is no support for the use.

Because ClassicDock is integrated with Anemone, Dock theme Anemone only available.

Im glad to be able to make a Hage Thema. @maa0216

Thank you!