Fixed Badge and Badge label position - Added icons requested - Fixed iCloud settings icons. To get all icons themed install Anemone or IconBundles tweak.
Initial iOS 9 compatibility.
Added icons requested.
Fixed IconBundles @2x Photo icon.
Icons requested-full IconBundles support for Winterboard user.
Universal Info.plist- Icons requested-Added IconBundles support. If you use Winterboard install IconBundles tweak to get all icons themed. Fixed Sharing Section icons. Minor fix.
Added: Anemone compatibility, new Zeppelin by MarcoGottuso, new Primo Light Iconomatic/Anemone + new Light Badge (Round & Square in 5 colors) + Folder by licris17, new Cartoon Anemonefx with long shadow (only Anemone), Fallback & LoadingScreen are now as separate themes, 3 ALT icons by Mark_sweden, new LockGlyph (black & white) with sounds, fixed some Iconomatic, a lot of icons requests.
Initial release.