Hello, here you can get a nice colored theme. The theme is for IOS 10 and IO9. The theme includes over 300 icons, status bar, nightmode settings, dialer theme for IO9. PageDots, 15 AE&s, 8 Docks, 9 Round Badges, Respring Logo..When activating the docks, note that the dock is at the top and AE is the second one. In order to get the CC fully activated, it may be necessary to do the following via Filza: Step 1: Activate the Cc in Anemone. 2: then go to filza to access User / Library / Caches / MappedImageCache / Persistent. Go to Persistent folder and delete all files in the folder. Then open MTerminal and enter the command "recache". Finished.

I wish a lot of fun with the theme..

Special thanks to @ Jesse0166 and @ _am80ma_ for the great help